The police on Monday in Abuja arraigned a 22-year-old student, Ibrahim Salisu, in a Wuse Zone 2 Senior Magistrates’ Court for beating up a policeman. Salisu, who lives at 4, Olumo Rock, Amasco Plantation Estate, Galadimawa in Abuja, is charged with joint criminal force and assaulting a public servant. The prosecutor, Cpl. Anigbo Paul, told the court that Cpl. Chijioke Jacob of the Lugbe Police Station had lodged a report against the accused at the station. He said the report was lodged on Feb. 9 at about 9 p.m. Paul told the court that, on the said day, the accused had gone to the complainant’s house as he was about to park his car and beat him up. The prosecutor said the accused and three others now at large beat the complainant while he was dressed in uniform and started trying to
take his rifle from him. He told the court further that, during investigation, Salisu confessed to committing the offence. Paul said Salisu’s action was in contravention of the provisions of sections 79 and 267 of the Penal Code. It was gathered that the
accused, if convicted, is liable to three years’
imprisonment or an option of paying a fine or both.
The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges
against him. After arraignment, the accused’s
counsel, Mr Ikechukwu Nnaemeka, applied to the
court for bail according to Section 341 of the Criminal
Procedure Code (CPC). The prosecutor objected and
prayed the court not to grant the accused bail. The
Senior Magistrate, Mr Celestine Odo, in his ruling
however said the prosecutor failed to show the court
how granting the accused bail would jeopardise
ongoing investigation. Odo also admonished Salisu’s
counsel for failing to state the contents of the section
he cited in his argument, saying “a lawyer should be
prepared before coming to court”. He then granted
the accused bail in the sum of N100,000. The
magistrate also said this must be with a surety in like
sum, who must be resident within the jurisdiction of
the court and must be a public servant. Odo said the
surety should present his or her office identity card
and appointment letter. He then adjourned the
matter to March 3 for hearing.