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Thursday 16 January 2014

Prophet TB Joshua Shares His Thoughts On Gay Marriage

From The PulpitProphet TB Joshua Shares His Thoughts On Gay Marriage

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The man in the Synagogue, Prophet TB Joshua is a man of God who does not hide his feelings over any issue.
The General Overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, has also added his voice to the ongoing anti-gay law debate going on in the country.
A question was to him via his Facebook account on the issue thus:
“T.B. Joshua, what do you have to say about same sex marriage, I mean, gays and lesbians?”
And this is what he replied:
“Judge not, so that you will not be judged; (Matthew 7:1). We should talk to people to be saved and not to die. I mean, we should talk salvation, not condemnation. The Bible is my standard.
“If my parents were one, (gays), I would not have been given birth to.
“Those that are asking this question, if your parents were one, you would not have been given birth to.
“You that are reading me, if your parents were one, you would not be reading this today.
“God bless the reader and the hearer,” - T.B. Joshua.
This man is a wise man, you will agree with me

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